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·锁定高山王国 锁定神秘的尼泊尔  ·京剧——最具有代表性的中国戏曲剧种  ·辽宁省省会——沈阳  ·青藏高原圣地之都——西藏拉萨风光  ·内蒙古呼和浩特新世纪广场[高清图片]  ·佛教文化圣地——山西忻州五台山被列入世界遗产名录  ·每周影人:福建摄影家冯德金  ·“每周影人”:山西摄影家王凌云  ·德国古堡游 邂逅古典浪漫的海德堡  ·中国现存唯一的唐代钟楼:河北正定开元寺钟楼  ·亚洲旅游中心面临挑战 香港旅游正走下坡  ·人物写真作品欣赏  ·哈尼族——最古老民族之一  ·百科大峡谷——浙江丽水景宁炉西峡  ·五大道——天津独具特色的露天“万国历史博物馆”  

Gnawed -fun   Journal CN-199
Old and young, we are all on our last cruise.
----Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894)   ID:115318-09091 沧桑乐园   图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲

Catalog CN-249
“The purest and most thoughtful minds – are those which love color the most.”
----John Ruskin (1819-1900)
Zhu Qizhan Art museum Shanghai
Gallery Nr3 amateur artist sho...

Art-ZQM9 Catalog CN-250
 “The art of pleasing consists in being pleased.”
----William Hazlitt (1778-1830)
Zhu Qizhan Art museum Shanghai
Gallery Nr2 - paper cutters artist show
Subject –...

Guild-hall   Journal  CN-182
Shanghai CBD the hall built in 1909, recently restored now serves as guilds history museum.
In old times used by fruit industry business to discuss, trade and offer...

Peak-statues   Journal CN-172
Hangzhou-west lake region statues on Feilaifeng peak, listed as key cultural relic under protection of state level since 1982.
The great statues integrating both Chinese...

Catalog CN-248
“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”
---- Isaac Newton (1647-1727)
Zhu Qizhan Art museum Shanghai
Gallery of three general areas – so...

Water-pipe Journal CN-155
Shanghai bold colored large water pipe. Subject best shot in close. People walk past these ugly city prop’s each day-not notice them as photo communication with viewers. You must be innov...

Shipwreck - Journal – CN.56
Dalian gold beach south area. Lot of hype within this shoot example – not real shipwreck the central function as advert to emphasize content. Locally produced acts effectively as crowd...

Vegetable – Fruit - Catalog – CN.37
Short study close up standard vegetables-fruit and some nuts – sometimes every day food up close can look like something else.
Le Johnno – Aug – 2011

Stone – carved – Journal – CN.25
Large statue set in enticing park. This backs on to Xiajiahe beach in Dalian. Also shown is state highway runs across the park. Attractive area and few tourists. Well wo...

Catalog CN-251
“I cannot and will not cut my conscience to fit this year’s fashions.”
____Lillian Hellman (1905-1984)
Shanghai CBD – Street sign about well-known western r...

Catalog CN-253 “I like to think of the world I created as being a kind of keystone in the universe – that small as the keystone is – if it were ever taken away the universe it’s self would...

Bsteel Journal CN-254 “So it is – and so it will be for so it has been.” ___Edna Millay (1892-1950)
Shanghai - Pudong District, Baosteel Stage, part of former Expo garden area 2010, original...

Park –CF 
Journal CN-255
 “Water is excellent-do not peer to far.”
______Pindar 518-438 BC   Shanghai city area Chang-feng-Park, built in 1956 large landscape type co...

Catalog CN-262  “They tell me you are wicked – and I believe them – for I have seen your painted women.”
______Carl Sandburg (1878-1967)
Alcohol the cloud less liquid f...


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